B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Heater Replacement’

How Long a Service Life Can You Expect From Your Water Heater?

Monday, December 25th, 2023

Your trusty water heater silently works behind the scenes, heating water for showers, dishes, and more. But like any appliance, its days are numbered. Knowing the average lifespan and warning signs can help you prepare for replacement and avoid unexpected cold showers. You’ll know when to schedule water heater installation in Annapolis, MD.

The Average Lifespan 

Standard storage tank water heaters typically last 8–12 years, with gas models slightly exceeding electric models. However, this isn’t set in stone. Several factors can influence their lifespan:

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When Is It Best to Get a New Water Heater?

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Because you rely on a steady supply of hot water whenever you need it to get through most days, the water heater is one of the most important appliances in your house. It’s important to know when the time comes to get a new water heater since you don’t want to wait too long and have your current water heater fail on you right when you need it.

It isn’t always easy to tell when your water heater is coming to the end of its service life. Homeowners often don’t pay too much attention to their water heater as long as they’re still getting hot water from their taps. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how to know when it’s time for a new water heater installation in Rockville, MD.

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Why You Aren’t Getting Any Hot Water From Your Water Heater

Monday, February 6th, 2023

This is no fun, is it? You turn on the shower in the morning and wait for the water to heat up. And you wait and you wait and you wait. It seems like Godot is more likely to show up before you get hot water.

You can stop waiting because it’s likely you’ve got a water heater problem that won’t simply go away if you’re patient. That’s not how water heaters work. We’ll take a look at some of the reasons you’ve got a lack of hot water and whether you need to call our team for water heater repair in Arlington, VA.

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