B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water heater Repairs’

How to Tell Your Water Heater Is Dying

Monday, October 18th, 2021

You don’t want to be trapped with a failed water heater, because losing hot water in your house will throw off your day. The good news is that water heaters rarely fail without giving off warnings, and if you catch those warnings in time, you can call for water heater repairs in Fairfax, VA to see if the unit can be fixed.

For an older water heater (we’ll get into that more below), scheduling a replacement is often the better choice. But at least you’ll have the replacement done on your schedule rather than a failed water heater forcing you to do it on its schedule.

We’ve put together a list of ways to tell you may have a water heater heading for failure. Follow us below and we’ll help you see into the future of your water heater.

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Water Heater In Trouble? 5 Signs That Will Tell You

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

You don’t want a water heater failure to sneak up on you. There are few problems more irritating and uncomfortable than to wake up in the morning, head off to get a warm shower, and then discover the water won’t heat up because something has gone wrong with the water heater.

Fortunately, water heater malfunctions rarely strike without some warnings. If you know what to watch and listen for, you’ll be able to call us for Washington, DC water heater repairs before you’re stuck with a freezing cold shower in the morning—and all the other problems you’ll have to deal with when your house loses its source of hot water. Below we’ve listed five signs of impending water heater repairs.

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