B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Rockville’

Do I Need Air Filters or Air Purifiers for My Home?

Monday, January 9th, 2023

Your New Years’ Resolution: “I’ll breathe cleaner air in my home for 2023!”

Okay, maybe you didn’t write your resolution out exactly like that. You probably put down something like, “Get healthier this year.” That can involve changing your diet, exercising more, keeping up with doctors’ appointments, and more. Breathing cleaner air is certainly a good way to get healthier, and you can significantly improve your home’s air with the right IAQ (indoor air quality) devices.

For starters, do you need air purifiers or air filters for your home?

Surprise, this is something of a trick question! These two aren’t mutually exclusive—you can have both! And in many cases, you’ll need both.

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Why We Recommend Regular Water Heater Flushes

Monday, December 26th, 2022

A water heater is a powerful appliance that you and your family rely on almost every day in your home. Any device that does that much work requires occasional maintenance to keep it in good working order. We recommend you schedule water heater service in Rockville, MD once a year for your water heater.

One of the maintenance jobs for a water heater is a tank flush. This isn’t necessarily done every year during maintenance, but your water heater does require it at least every few years. You can find instructions online for doing a tank flush on your own, but we don’t recommend this—the process is too complicated and requires numerous special parts. Our technicians can get the job done fast and accurately.

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The Devices That Help Your Furnace Run Safely

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Gas furnaces are the most common heating systems found in homes across the country. Although combusting natural gas poses several potential safety concerns, such as the release of toxic carbon monoxide gas, natural gas furnaces are designed to run with minimal danger. 

It is important for any homeowner who has a gas furnace to take care of it with regular maintenance and prompt repairs as needed, as this will help keep the furnace working at its safest. Carbon monoxide detectors in the home provide an extra level of protection in case CO leaks do occur.

If you’re curious about how your home’s gas furnace stays operating safely, we’re going to look at the features built into it that help keep your family warm and safe each winter:

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It’s Fall … And That Means Your Heater Is Ready for Maintenance

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Fall is many people’s favorite time of year because it has a nice weather balance between summer heat and winter cold. It’s easy to think less about your HVAC system at this time, but there’s one important job you need to take care of for your heater at this time of year, and that’s its regular heating maintenance in Rockville, MD

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Signs You Have a Generator That Needs Repairs

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

The point of a generator is to have a backup for the power in your home in case of an emergency electrical outage. A generator that isn’t dependable and ready to leap in the moment you need it, well, that tends to defeat the whole point of the generator. This is why you need to pay attention to any signs that it’s time to call our team for generator repair in Rockville, MD. We’ll help you see that your standby generator provides you with peace of mind that it will work when your family needs it to.

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Leaking Ducts Can Cause Many Problems for Your Home

Monday, August 8th, 2022

No matter how well-built or durable your ductwork may be, leaks still happen. This is because HVAC systems are highly complex, and one small issue can affect the entire system. Moreover, although people often underestimate the negative effects of leaking ducts, they can actually wreak havoc on your home. Here is a closer look at how leaking ducts can cause many problems for your home.

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5 Heating Problems We See the Most Often

Monday, February 21st, 2022

Finding the best ways to keep your home well-heated is essential for those who live in areas with harsh winters. Indeed, while it may be possible to survive without proper heat for a short time, doing so indefinitely can cause a health issue for everyone living in your home. Nevertheless, in order to ensure your home is adequately heated, you need to learn the signs of a problematic heating system. With that in mind, here is a list of 5 heating problems we see the most often.

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Important Thermostat Tips for Energy Savings and Better Heating

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Because the thermostat is a small and unobtrusive device, its importance in an HVAC system is often overlooked. This is why people frequently change the settings on their thermostats based on comfort whims. If it’s winter and they’re feeling too cold, they crank the thermostat up high. Then when the house gets too hot, they slam the setting down. 

This way of setting the thermostat is bad news: for the heating system, for indoor comfort, and for energy bills. We’re going to share some thermostat “best practices” in this post so you’ll know how to use your home’s thermostat to save money while enjoying quality heating.

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What to Do If Your Furnace Won’t Heat

Monday, November 15th, 2021

You may not have turned your furnace on for the first time this winter, but you’re coming closer and closer to that moment. If you’ve already scheduled heating maintenance in Rockville, MD, your furnace will probably come on as it’s supposed to and provide warmth for your family.

But what if it doesn’t? We don’t just mean at the start of the winter, but at any point during the season. The furnace may not come on at all, or you may get room temperature air from the vents rather than the warmth you expect. 

If your first thought is to call us to see if your furnace needs repairs, you’re off to a good start. You never want to attempt to repair a furnace yourself, as it can be dangerous. But before you give us a call or send us a message (and we’re here for you 24/7!), you can go through several basic troubleshooting steps to see if there is a simple reason you aren’t getting warm.

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What to Look for in a New Air Conditioner

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Our summers can get pretty hot. That is why many homeowners look to get the best possible central air conditioning installation in Rockville, MD. A modern, advanced air conditioner that is installed and checked regularly by a professional service like B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service ensures cool and pleasant summers for many years to come.

In this blog, we look at several important factors that you should consider before buying a new air conditioner.

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