B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Repair’

Some Tips to Pay Less for Heating This Winter

Monday, December 14th, 2020

During the fall, you can expect your utility bills to lower since you’re in the period between when you depend regularly on the air conditioning system and the stretch when your heater puts in most of its work. So as the cold weather begins to settle in, your bills will start to go up…

But do they need to go up that high?

If you’re already dreading looking at your utility bills for the season, you may be paying more than you should. As local Rockville, MD heating experts, we know many ways to lower the cost of your heating without you needing to layer up in parkas. Below are a few tips for reducing your heating costs this winter.

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Is It Time to Retire Your Old Furnace?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Before the weather gets any colder, ask yourself if you can rely on your aging furnace for another winter. No furnace lasts forever, and eventually, you’ll need to schedule a furnace replacement in Rockville, MD with professionals. It’s best to have this job done before the cold weather hits because you don’t want to get caught with a failed heating system on the coldest night of the year and need to arrange for an emergency replacement. 

How can you tell it’s time to replace a furnace? The best way is to call on our heating experts: we have 63 years of experience and can help you decide if the furnace is ready to go or if continuing with repairs will keep it going for a couple more useful years. 

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