As the warm days of summer fade into the crisp, cool air of autumn, it’s time to start thinking about your home’s heating system. Your HVAC system has worked hard all summer to keep your home cool, and now it needs attention to prepare for the colder months ahead. Scheduling your fall HVAC maintenance appointment is essential to ensure your system runs smoothly and efficiently when you need it most.
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B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Maintenance’
It’s Time for Your Fall HVAC Maintenance Appointment
Monday, September 16th, 2024Let’s Have a Serious Talk About Your Heater’s Filter
Monday, December 12th, 2022What do you think of when you hear the word filter? Maybe the spam filter on your emails. Or the air filter in your car. Did you think about the air filter for your home’s heating system? Probably not—and that’s why we want to have this talk with you. The air filter (also known as the blower filter) for your HVAC system is important for how it operates, and it needs occasional attention or it can cause mild to severe problems for your home’s heating.
Don’t worry, this isn’t extremely complicated, and we’re not asking you to take on major work on your heater. You only need to know the basics about the filter and how to change it. Once you do, you’ll enjoy better heating results and avoid future troubles.
Can My Gas Furnace Become Dangerous?
Monday, November 28th, 2022The short answer is “yes.” But we don’t want you to panic about your gas furnace right away. The truth is that any appliance that burns natural gas has the potential to turn hazardous because of escaping flames, external combustion, and leaks of toxic gas. Because a furnace is usually the most powerful gas appliance in any home, it gets the most attention as a possible danger.
We want to reassure you that your gas furnace isn’t an inherent threat to your house. Modern furnace manufacturers build their products to exact specifications and include numerous safety features.
Still, it’s important to caution people about ways furnaces can create hazards and the best ways to avoid them. With the right furnace service from professionals, you should be able to enjoy your furnace’s warmth in safety for many years.
The Devices That Help Your Furnace Run Safely
Monday, November 14th, 2022Gas furnaces are the most common heating systems found in homes across the country. Although combusting natural gas poses several potential safety concerns, such as the release of toxic carbon monoxide gas, natural gas furnaces are designed to run with minimal danger.
It is important for any homeowner who has a gas furnace to take care of it with regular maintenance and prompt repairs as needed, as this will help keep the furnace working at its safest. Carbon monoxide detectors in the home provide an extra level of protection in case CO leaks do occur.
If you’re curious about how your home’s gas furnace stays operating safely, we’re going to look at the features built into it that help keep your family warm and safe each winter:
It’s Fall … And That Means Your Heater Is Ready for Maintenance
Monday, October 17th, 2022Fall is many people’s favorite time of year because it has a nice weather balance between summer heat and winter cold. It’s easy to think less about your HVAC system at this time, but there’s one important job you need to take care of for your heater at this time of year, and that’s its regular heating maintenance in Rockville, MD.
What to Do If Your Furnace Won’t Heat
Monday, November 15th, 2021You may not have turned your furnace on for the first time this winter, but you’re coming closer and closer to that moment. If you’ve already scheduled heating maintenance in Rockville, MD, your furnace will probably come on as it’s supposed to and provide warmth for your family.
But what if it doesn’t? We don’t just mean at the start of the winter, but at any point during the season. The furnace may not come on at all, or you may get room temperature air from the vents rather than the warmth you expect.
If your first thought is to call us to see if your furnace needs repairs, you’re off to a good start. You never want to attempt to repair a furnace yourself, as it can be dangerous. But before you give us a call or send us a message (and we’re here for you 24/7!), you can go through several basic troubleshooting steps to see if there is a simple reason you aren’t getting warm.
Why Heating Maintenance Is One of the Best Services We Offer
Monday, October 4th, 2021
Fall is the favorite time of year for many people. It’s one of our favorite times as well, and not just because of candy, pumpkin carving, turkey, and football. It’s the time of the year when we provide one of the best services to our customers: regular heating maintenance.
What, that didn’t sound exciting to you? Okay, it’s not as much of a blast as a really terrific horror movie marathon or mounds of turkey and stuffing, but we promise you this is a great service that will pay off in the season that follows. You know, that one called winter where it gets super cold and frozen water covers everything. Heating maintenance in fall means a much better, safer, more comfortable, and less expensive winter.
Late Winter and the Heating Repairs It Can Bring
Monday, February 22nd, 2021
The last months of winter sometimes bring the coldest weather, and even after spring begins a snap blizzard can smash into us. It’s asking a lot of your heating system during this time, because it has already gone through months of steady work warming the house, accumulating wear and tear. Now it has to face some of the starkest weather of the year—and it might be exhausted!
In other words, this is the time of year when you’re most likely to need to call for heating repairs in Rockville, MD from our team.
Some Tips to Pay Less for Heating This Winter
Monday, December 14th, 2020
During the fall, you can expect your utility bills to lower since you’re in the period between when you depend regularly on the air conditioning system and the stretch when your heater puts in most of its work. So as the cold weather begins to settle in, your bills will start to go up…
But do they need to go up that high?
If you’re already dreading looking at your utility bills for the season, you may be paying more than you should. As local Rockville, MD heating experts, we know many ways to lower the cost of your heating without you needing to layer up in parkas. Below are a few tips for reducing your heating costs this winter.
Don’t Forget to Schedule Heating Maintenance Before Winter!
Monday, November 16th, 2020
The weather is turning cold, but if you’ve lived here for at least one previous winter, you know how much colder it’s going to get in the following months. So we have a big question for you: have you scheduled your heating maintenance in Rockville, MD yet?
If your answer is, “What’s that?”, then we have plenty to talk about. Heating maintenance is one of the most important services we offer, and it’s one we recommend every customer has done in fall. Each and every fall.