What’s That Odd Sound From My Furnace Mean?

November 1st, 2021

As furnaces start to go to work in the fall weather, it’s a good time to remind our customers and customers-to-be about the warning signs that can indicate it’s time to call us for Annapolis, MD furnace repairs. There are several different categories of warnings that a furnace that not all is well, and in this post, we’ll look at one of the most common: odd noises.

If you’ve lived with your current furnace for at least a year, you already know the standard noises it makes as it runs. You can expect to hear a whoosh as the burners ignite, clicking noises from the ignition system, and the whir of the blower as it sends air through the furnace and into the ductwork. You might also hear an occasional rattling from the ducts, which is the sound of the temperature change causing the metal to expand. 

When other noises start to interrupt the usual ones, you may have a problem that requires professional repairs. We’ve listed a few common trouble noises below. When in doubt, always call the B&B team to handle diagnosing the issue and seeing what work we can do. Amateur repair attempts can be dangerous!

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How to Tell Your Water Heater Is Dying

October 18th, 2021

You don’t want to be trapped with a failed water heater, because losing hot water in your house will throw off your day. The good news is that water heaters rarely fail without giving off warnings, and if you catch those warnings in time, you can call for water heater repairs in Fairfax, VA to see if the unit can be fixed.

For an older water heater (we’ll get into that more below), scheduling a replacement is often the better choice. But at least you’ll have the replacement done on your schedule rather than a failed water heater forcing you to do it on its schedule.

We’ve put together a list of ways to tell you may have a water heater heading for failure. Follow us below and we’ll help you see into the future of your water heater.

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Why Heating Maintenance Is One of the Best Services We Offer

October 4th, 2021

Fall is the favorite time of year for many people. It’s one of our favorite times as well, and not just because of candy, pumpkin carving, turkey, and football. It’s the time of the year when we provide one of the best services to our customers: regular heating maintenance.

What, that didn’t sound exciting to you? Okay, it’s not as much of a blast as a really terrific horror movie marathon or mounds of turkey and stuffing, but we promise you this is a great service that will pay off in the season that follows. You know, that one called winter where it gets super cold and frozen water covers everything. Heating maintenance in fall means a much better, safer, more comfortable, and less expensive winter.

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Don’t Have a Generator? We Recommend One for the Coming Season!

September 20th, 2021

This last month on the East Coast was a bit … damp. We’re dealing with stronger and stronger storms striking the coast, and this has created an increased risk for power outages and extended blackouts. Storms aren’t the only source of power losses to neighborhoods: harsh winters and summers both place strains on energy grids that can lead to unexpected blackouts. 

If you’re concerned about losing power to your house, then a generator installation in Bethesda, MD should go on the top of your list of home improvements to invest in. Whole-house generators are great options for homes, and our team of experts can help set up your home with the ideal backup generator to meet your needs. 

Need more convincing? Below are the best reasons to get a whole-house generator:

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Short-Cycling Explained: One of the Most Common AC Problems

September 6th, 2021

Air conditioning systems are intricate devices, which means many different components can fail and create malfunctions. The good news is that modern AC design makes these systems durable and, with proper routine care for the system—such as professional maintenance done every spring—an air conditioner can make it through its service life of 10–15 years with minimal problems.

 We take care of many AC repairs in Annapolis, MD, so we’ve seen just about everything that might go wrong with a home cooling system. One of the most common is short cycling. In this post, we’ll look at short cycling to help you understand it and deal with it.

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Top 5 Reasons Your AC Isn’t Keeping Your Home Cool Enough

August 23rd, 2021

It’s not fun during the dog days of summer to discover your air conditioning system has fallen behind on its work. You can hear the AC running and the familiar sound of the compressor kicking on, yet something isn’t right. People in the house are complaining about the heat, some rooms are hotter than before, and you find yourself pushing the thermostat lower than usual.

First, don’t lower the thermostat to counter this problem. It may make the situation worse. If you suspect your AC isn’t cooling enough, you’ll probably need the assistance of an HVAC company in Frederick, MD to find out why. Second … well, second is the rest of this post: the top five reasons you may have an AC that can’t keep up with the late summer heat. 

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What to Look for in a New Air Conditioner

August 9th, 2021

Our summers can get pretty hot. That is why many homeowners look to get the best possible central air conditioning installation in Rockville, MD. A modern, advanced air conditioner that is installed and checked regularly by a professional service like B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service ensures cool and pleasant summers for many years to come.

In this blog, we look at several important factors that you should consider before buying a new air conditioner.

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Why a Standby Generator Is Better Than a Portable

July 26th, 2021

If you live in an area where power outages are common, then you may want to invest in a generator. Your two options are a standby generator or a portable model. Both types of generators have their pros and cons.

Generators also require care and maintenance in order to operate smoothly. In case your unit shuts down, you should have a reliable source for generator repair in Annapolis, MD on your speed dial. This will ensure that your system is fixed quickly so that you can get back to enjoying life.

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The Best Benefits of Installing a Tankless Water Heater

July 12th, 2021

Whether you are taking a shower, cooking food, washing your hands, or taking a hot bath, the water heater you bought ensures you have the necessary hot water. Having to spend so much on energy bills due to a tank-style water heater might not make much sense during the hot summer months.

What if we told you that there is a way to significantly save on your energy bill without having to turn off your home’s hot water supply? That is one of the several benefits of switching to tankless water heaters.

Water heaters in Chantilly, VA do not get better than tankless water heaters. These units are also known as on-demand water heaters that heat water only when you need it, reducing wasted heat and energy. Let’s discuss the benefits of tankless water heaters so you can understand why it might be better to upgrade to a tankless water heater for your home.

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Your AC May Not Be Enough to Deal With High Humidity

June 28th, 2021

Humidity. It’s an ugly word during the summer because it makes hot days worse. Humidity doesn’t make the temperature warmer; it makes it harder for the human body to release heat through perspiration, which traps extra heat in the body and makes the temperature feel higher. When relative humidity rises above 60%, the difference in what the temperature feels like can be as much as 8° to 10° higher. 

But you have an air conditioning system in your house to cool you off so you won’t have to sweat it out when the temperature rises. Sometimes, the AC may be all you need to enjoy comfort. But there are other times when the humidity level puts the air conditioner to the test—that extra 10° difference means you have to run the AC longer to cool down, and muggy air will still feel unpleasant. Can you do anything about this?

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