Why Is My AC Leaking Water?

May 2nd, 2022

If you know the basics of how central air conditioning systems work, then you understand that an AC doesn’t use water to cool the air. The AC in your house cools down the air using refrigerant, which absorbs heat along the indoor evaporator coil, then releases that heat outside through the outdoor condenser coil. 

However, water is a part of the way your AC works, and it isn’t surprising to discover water leaking from the indoor unit. It’s not something you want to see happen, however! We’ll explain how water leaks can occur in an air conditioner so you’ll know when to call our technicians for air conditioning service in Clarksburg, MD.

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The Basics You Need to Know About AC Efficiency Ratings

April 18th, 2022

This may be the spring when you have your old, inefficient, and unreliable air conditioning system sent to the recycling yard and a new one put in its place. We encourage making this change, and our technicians are the trustworthy experts who can see you get the best new system with the best possible installation.

One important consideration when you’re looking for a new AC is its efficiency ratings. These ratings give you an idea of how well an air conditioning system converts electrical power into cooling power. The efficiency of air conditioners is continually advancing, so even making the switch to a mid-efficiency AC will likely improve over your current one. Below we’re going to go over the basics of these efficiency ratings: what they mean and how to use them.

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Early Signs of Trouble with Your Air Conditioner

April 4th, 2022

Owning an air conditioner is a great way to keep your home cool during the warmer months. Nevertheless, this only remains true as long as the unit stays in good working order. While most air conditioning units are fully functional upon arrival, without the proper maintenance they become less functional over time. Therefore, learning the early signs of trouble with your air conditioner can be one of the best ways to protect your unit for the long term. With that in mind, the following is an overview of the early signs of trouble with your air conditioner.

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It’s Time to Start Thinking About an AC Tune-Up

March 21st, 2022

With the warmer seasons right around the corner, taking time to complete your spring-cleaning tasks is vital. Indeed, spring cleaning is beneficial because it can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, as well as the risk of injury and more. Moreover, it is essential to clean around your home and clean and maintain your appliances as well.

With all this spring cleaning in mind, the following is a list of the benefits of getting your air conditioner tuned up this spring.

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Is It Worth Repairing That Old Furnace?

March 7th, 2022

One of the most challenging aspects of being a homeowner is deciding when to repair appliances and equipment and when they need to be replaced. Indeed, while no one wants to deal with a piece of multifunctional equipment, replacing equipment prematurely can be a waste of money. For instance, furnaces are a necessary part of any functional home. However, since they can last for decades, it can be difficult to determine when to repair them and when it’s time to replace them. With that in mind, here is a closer look at how to tell if an older furnace is worth replacing.

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5 Heating Problems We See the Most Often

February 21st, 2022

Finding the best ways to keep your home well-heated is essential for those who live in areas with harsh winters. Indeed, while it may be possible to survive without proper heat for a short time, doing so indefinitely can cause a health issue for everyone living in your home. Nevertheless, in order to ensure your home is adequately heated, you need to learn the signs of a problematic heating system. With that in mind, here is a list of 5 heating problems we see the most often.

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How a Bad Thermostat Can Ruin Your Home Heating

February 7th, 2022

No matter how new or sophisticated your heating system may be, a bad thermostat can cause significant issues within your heating system. Nevertheless, you cannot fix the problems if you are not aware of the signs of a faulty thermostat. With that in mind, here is an overview of the various ways a bad thermostat can ruin your home heating.

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Why Your Heating System Isn’t Evenly Heating Your Home

January 24th, 2022

Ideally, heating a home would be as simple as setting the thermostat to your desired temperature and leaving it. But, unfortunately, that’s not always how things work out. Instead, there are often times that an HVAC system falls short, which can cause your home to be unevenly heated. So, before seeking heating repair in Annapolis, MD with our team, here is a list of reasons why your heating system isn’t evenly heating your home.

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Why Won’t the Burners in My Furnace Stay On?

January 10th, 2022

When you set your home’s thermostat to provide heat during the winter, you expect the furnace to turn on, light the burners, and then run for long enough to evenly spread heat through the rooms. That’s what the gas furnace is for, after all.

But you may run into a problem where the burners in the furnace just won’t stay on. Maybe they turn on for a few minutes, or only a few seconds, but they aren’t burning long enough to provide your home with heat. This problem can happen for different reasons, and we’ll look at several of them below.

Please keep in mind that for most gas furnace issues, you must have a licensed professional for repairs. It’s not only an issue of accuracy but also of safety.

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PSA | R-22 Availability Outlook

January 4th, 2022

This is a “PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT” from B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Co., Inc. to our highly valued clientele on the availability and the future outlook of HCFC-22 refrigerant or as the industry calls it, R-22 or Freon. If your current residential or commercial air conditioner or heat pump system was manufactured before 2008, then your system may utilize HCFC-22.

Section 605 of the Clean Air Act establishes the U.S. phaseout targets for Class II substances. In 1993, EPA established the phaseout framework and the “worst-first” approach, which focused first on HCFC-22, HCFC-141b, and HCFC-142b because they have the highest ozone depletion potentials of all HCFCs. The phaseout schedule has drastically diminished the availability of HCFC-22 and has exponentially driven up the overall cost of this refrigerant over the past two years.

What does this mean to you? Well, if your equipment utilizes HCFC-22 and you experience a malfunction in the refrigeration circuit, then you will have a very serious decision to consider.  The cost associated in repairing older systems is extremely difficult to justify because of the pricing of HCFC-22.   Currently, HCFC-22 has a price range of $250.00 to $300.00 per pound and many of our suppliers have quit handling the product due to the high cost associated with maintaining inventory. The average residential air conditioning or heat pump system uses approximately 8-12 lbs to provide the required cooling capacity, and we anticipate the cost to continue to escalate as we approach the spring/summer of 2022.

The other alternative to repairing your antiquated air conditioning or heat pump system is to have new updated equipment installed that doesn’t use HCFC-22 refrigerant. All equipment manufactured after 2008 required the implementation of an alternative refrigerant. Currently, the HVAC industry is using HFC-410A or R-410A which is a “chlorine-free” based refrigerant and is much safer on the atmosphere.

Updating homeowner’s equipment is not as easy as it sounds today. Each and every person in the United States are experiencing some sort of supply chain issue. The manufacturers of HVAC equipment are having the same dilemmas. Copper, steel & aluminum are critical materials that manufacturers use to build their products. These supply chain issues have drastically reduced the production of HVAC equipment and it is our understanding that the availability of air conditioning & heating equipment will only worsen as we enter 2022.

B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Co., Inc. has been in business since 1957 and has grown to be one of the largest HVAC service companies in the Washington/Baltimore Metro area. This enormous feat could not have been accomplished without keeping our clients informed with real issues that are relevant to this industry today.

If your HVAC equipment was manufactured prior to 2008, we are strongly urging our customers to consider proactively exploring the age of your HVAC equipment before a problem arises. If you don’t know when your equipment was manufactured, then please contact us and we can research your service information so we can aid in determining the age of your equipment, and if necessary provide you with a free at-home solution.

Christopher F. Ghanayem

Executive Vice President

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