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Why We Recommend Regular Duct Cleaning


People often think that duct cleaning isn’t something they need to have done regularly for their home—if it needs to be done at all. Because ducts remain mostly out of sight, it’s hard to tell just how dirty they can get, and this is why so many homeowners don’t even think about scheduling duct cleaning in Fairfax, VA.

But duct cleaning is an immensely beneficial service. You probably don’t need it done every year, but we recommend a schedule of every three to five years. If you’ve lived in your current home for five years or more, then we strongly recommend you call us up soon to have the job done. We provide thorough duct cleaning that will provide multiple benefits to your home. We’ve listed the reasons we recommend regular duct cleaning below.

It helps the HVAC system run at high efficiency

This is the main reason homes need routine duct cleaning. As air circulates through the ductwork, both the return and supply ducts, the dust, lint, and other debris carried along with it will start to accumulate on the duct walls. It only takes about a year for a thin layer of dust to develop along the ducts, which is enough to create resistance to airflow. After three to five years, the build-up will be enough that it will have a noticeable effect on HVAC efficiency. The blower will have to work harder to overcome the congestion in the ducts, resulting in a rise in heating and cooling bills. If you’ve watched a steady rise in these bills over the years, you might be due for duct cleaning.

It extends the HVAC system lifespan

An extra strain placed on the HVAC blower will contribute to it wearing down faster. Not only do dusty and congested ducts force more work from the blower, they can also lead to dust contamination inside the HVAC system, causing failures like broken motors and frozen evaporator coils. Regular duct cleaning will help you get the most out of your investment in your HVAC system.

It contributes to cleaner air (and a cleaner home)

Think of the ductwork in your house as a reservoir of dust that you can’t easily reach to clean out. And that reservoir keeps getting bigger and bigger. Each time the HVAC system comes on, the blower fan will blast out dust from the ductwork into the air, lowering indoor air quality. This can be terrible for people in a household with asthma and allergies. This continuous dust circulation will also contribute to a dustier home overall, where all the dusting you do doesn’t seem to get the job done.

It prevents mold and vermin

This is the icky side of dusty ducts most people don’t want to hear—but it can be a problem. Mold grows well in damp and dark places, and ductwork definitely qualifies. Dirty ductwork is even more attractive to mold. It also appeals to insects and rodents as a place to nest and lay eggs. Cleaning out the ducts regularly removes these extremely unpleasant home invaders.

B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service offers high-quality duct cleaning for our customers. We are always there when you need us.

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