B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Blog: Archive for the ‘Maryland & Washington D.C.’ Category

Is It Worth Repairing That Old Furnace?

Monday, March 7th, 2022

One of the most challenging aspects of being a homeowner is deciding when to repair appliances and equipment and when they need to be replaced. Indeed, while no one wants to deal with a piece of multifunctional equipment, replacing equipment prematurely can be a waste of money. For instance, furnaces are a necessary part of any functional home. However, since they can last for decades, it can be difficult to determine when to repair them and when it’s time to replace them. With that in mind, here is a closer look at how to tell if an older furnace is worth replacing.

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5 Heating Problems We See the Most Often

Monday, February 21st, 2022

Finding the best ways to keep your home well-heated is essential for those who live in areas with harsh winters. Indeed, while it may be possible to survive without proper heat for a short time, doing so indefinitely can cause a health issue for everyone living in your home. Nevertheless, in order to ensure your home is adequately heated, you need to learn the signs of a problematic heating system. With that in mind, here is a list of 5 heating problems we see the most often.

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How a Bad Thermostat Can Ruin Your Home Heating

Monday, February 7th, 2022

No matter how new or sophisticated your heating system may be, a bad thermostat can cause significant issues within your heating system. Nevertheless, you cannot fix the problems if you are not aware of the signs of a faulty thermostat. With that in mind, here is an overview of the various ways a bad thermostat can ruin your home heating.

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Why Your Heating System Isn’t Evenly Heating Your Home

Monday, January 24th, 2022

Ideally, heating a home would be as simple as setting the thermostat to your desired temperature and leaving it. But, unfortunately, that’s not always how things work out. Instead, there are often times that an HVAC system falls short, which can cause your home to be unevenly heated. So, before seeking heating repair in Annapolis, MD with our team, here is a list of reasons why your heating system isn’t evenly heating your home.

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Why Won’t the Burners in My Furnace Stay On?

Monday, January 10th, 2022

When you set your home’s thermostat to provide heat during the winter, you expect the furnace to turn on, light the burners, and then run for long enough to evenly spread heat through the rooms. That’s what the gas furnace is for, after all.

But you may run into a problem where the burners in the furnace just won’t stay on. Maybe they turn on for a few minutes, or only a few seconds, but they aren’t burning long enough to provide your home with heat. This problem can happen for different reasons, and we’ll look at several of them below.

Please keep in mind that for most gas furnace issues, you must have a licensed professional for repairs. It’s not only an issue of accuracy but also of safety.

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Important Thermostat Tips for Energy Savings and Better Heating

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Because the thermostat is a small and unobtrusive device, its importance in an HVAC system is often overlooked. This is why people frequently change the settings on their thermostats based on comfort whims. If it’s winter and they’re feeling too cold, they crank the thermostat up high. Then when the house gets too hot, they slam the setting down. 

This way of setting the thermostat is bad news: for the heating system, for indoor comfort, and for energy bills. We’re going to share some thermostat “best practices” in this post so you’ll know how to use your home’s thermostat to save money while enjoying quality heating.

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What to Do If Your Furnace Won’t Heat

Monday, November 15th, 2021

You may not have turned your furnace on for the first time this winter, but you’re coming closer and closer to that moment. If you’ve already scheduled heating maintenance in Rockville, MD, your furnace will probably come on as it’s supposed to and provide warmth for your family.

But what if it doesn’t? We don’t just mean at the start of the winter, but at any point during the season. The furnace may not come on at all, or you may get room temperature air from the vents rather than the warmth you expect. 

If your first thought is to call us to see if your furnace needs repairs, you’re off to a good start. You never want to attempt to repair a furnace yourself, as it can be dangerous. But before you give us a call or send us a message (and we’re here for you 24/7!), you can go through several basic troubleshooting steps to see if there is a simple reason you aren’t getting warm.

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What’s That Odd Sound From My Furnace Mean?

Monday, November 1st, 2021

As furnaces start to go to work in the fall weather, it’s a good time to remind our customers and customers-to-be about the warning signs that can indicate it’s time to call us for Annapolis, MD furnace repairs. There are several different categories of warnings that a furnace that not all is well, and in this post, we’ll look at one of the most common: odd noises.

If you’ve lived with your current furnace for at least a year, you already know the standard noises it makes as it runs. You can expect to hear a whoosh as the burners ignite, clicking noises from the ignition system, and the whir of the blower as it sends air through the furnace and into the ductwork. You might also hear an occasional rattling from the ducts, which is the sound of the temperature change causing the metal to expand. 

When other noises start to interrupt the usual ones, you may have a problem that requires professional repairs. We’ve listed a few common trouble noises below. When in doubt, always call the B&B team to handle diagnosing the issue and seeing what work we can do. Amateur repair attempts can be dangerous!

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Why Heating Maintenance Is One of the Best Services We Offer

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Fall is the favorite time of year for many people. It’s one of our favorite times as well, and not just because of candy, pumpkin carving, turkey, and football. It’s the time of the year when we provide one of the best services to our customers: regular heating maintenance.

What, that didn’t sound exciting to you? Okay, it’s not as much of a blast as a really terrific horror movie marathon or mounds of turkey and stuffing, but we promise you this is a great service that will pay off in the season that follows. You know, that one called winter where it gets super cold and frozen water covers everything. Heating maintenance in fall means a much better, safer, more comfortable, and less expensive winter.

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Don’t Have a Generator? We Recommend One for the Coming Season!

Monday, September 20th, 2021

This last month on the East Coast was a bit … damp. We’re dealing with stronger and stronger storms striking the coast, and this has created an increased risk for power outages and extended blackouts. Storms aren’t the only source of power losses to neighborhoods: harsh winters and summers both place strains on energy grids that can lead to unexpected blackouts. 

If you’re concerned about losing power to your house, then a generator installation in Bethesda, MD should go on the top of your list of home improvements to invest in. Whole-house generators are great options for homes, and our team of experts can help set up your home with the ideal backup generator to meet your needs. 

Need more convincing? Below are the best reasons to get a whole-house generator:

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