B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Why Your Furnace Is Running But Not Keeping the House Warm Enough

Monday, March 20th, 2023

At the start of spring, the weather is often still cold, and that means you’ll need to keep your furnace running to keep everyone warm. But maybe you’ve noticed your furnace isn’t doing its job as well as it was at the start of winter. What’s happening? We’ll examine some of the possible causes below.

You’ve left the same air filter in place for too long

Dirty air filters are perhaps the most common reason that furnaces fail to provide enough heat to a home. (They’re behind plenty of other problems as well.) Over time, this air filter will become clogged with dust, dirt, and other debris. This restricts the airflow and causes the furnace to work harder to circulate warm air throughout a house. Fortunately, all you have to do to fix this problem is to change the air filter. This is definitely something you should do if you’ve had the same air filter in place since the start of winter!

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Middle-of-Winter Heating Problems You May Encounter

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

When you arrange to have your heating system professionally maintained in fall, with a thorough inspection and tune-up from experts, you can expect to run into few troubles with the heater during winter. The heater should always get a great start to the season. 

It’s when you reach the middle of winter that the strain on your heater may lead to malfunctions. Maintenance will still stop the majority of problems, but it won’t prevent all of them. We’re going to look at some of the more common mid-winter problems that can crop up in a heating system. You can rely on our technicians for heating service in Arlington, VA you need to get your heater back in peak shape.

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Let’s Have a Serious Talk About Your Heater’s Filter

Monday, December 12th, 2022

What do you think of when you hear the word filter? Maybe the spam filter on your emails. Or the air filter in your car. Did you think about the air filter for your home’s heating system? Probably not—and that’s why we want to have this talk with you. The air filter (also known as the blower filter) for your HVAC system is important for how it operates, and it needs occasional attention or it can cause mild to severe problems for your home’s heating. 

Don’t worry, this isn’t extremely complicated, and we’re not asking you to take on major work on your heater. You only need to know the basics about the filter and how to change it. Once you do, you’ll enjoy better heating results and avoid future troubles.

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Can My Gas Furnace Become Dangerous?

Monday, November 28th, 2022

The short answer is “yes.” But we don’t want you to panic about your gas furnace right away. The truth is that any appliance that burns natural gas has the potential to turn hazardous because of escaping flames, external combustion, and leaks of toxic gas. Because a furnace is usually the most powerful gas appliance in any home, it gets the most attention as a possible danger.

We want to reassure you that your gas furnace isn’t an inherent threat to your house. Modern furnace manufacturers build their products to exact specifications and include numerous safety features. 

Still, it’s important to caution people about ways furnaces can create hazards and the best ways to avoid them. With the right furnace service from professionals, you should be able to enjoy your furnace’s warmth in safety for many years.

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The Devices That Help Your Furnace Run Safely

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Gas furnaces are the most common heating systems found in homes across the country. Although combusting natural gas poses several potential safety concerns, such as the release of toxic carbon monoxide gas, natural gas furnaces are designed to run with minimal danger. 

It is important for any homeowner who has a gas furnace to take care of it with regular maintenance and prompt repairs as needed, as this will help keep the furnace working at its safest. Carbon monoxide detectors in the home provide an extra level of protection in case CO leaks do occur.

If you’re curious about how your home’s gas furnace stays operating safely, we’re going to look at the features built into it that help keep your family warm and safe each winter:

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It’s Fall … And That Means Your Heater Is Ready for Maintenance

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Fall is many people’s favorite time of year because it has a nice weather balance between summer heat and winter cold. It’s easy to think less about your HVAC system at this time, but there’s one important job you need to take care of for your heater at this time of year, and that’s its regular heating maintenance in Rockville, MD

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Is It Worth Repairing That Old Furnace?

Monday, March 7th, 2022

One of the most challenging aspects of being a homeowner is deciding when to repair appliances and equipment and when they need to be replaced. Indeed, while no one wants to deal with a piece of multifunctional equipment, replacing equipment prematurely can be a waste of money. For instance, furnaces are a necessary part of any functional home. However, since they can last for decades, it can be difficult to determine when to repair them and when it’s time to replace them. With that in mind, here is a closer look at how to tell if an older furnace is worth replacing.

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5 Heating Problems We See the Most Often

Monday, February 21st, 2022

Finding the best ways to keep your home well-heated is essential for those who live in areas with harsh winters. Indeed, while it may be possible to survive without proper heat for a short time, doing so indefinitely can cause a health issue for everyone living in your home. Nevertheless, in order to ensure your home is adequately heated, you need to learn the signs of a problematic heating system. With that in mind, here is a list of 5 heating problems we see the most often.

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How a Bad Thermostat Can Ruin Your Home Heating

Monday, February 7th, 2022

No matter how new or sophisticated your heating system may be, a bad thermostat can cause significant issues within your heating system. Nevertheless, you cannot fix the problems if you are not aware of the signs of a faulty thermostat. With that in mind, here is an overview of the various ways a bad thermostat can ruin your home heating.

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Why Your Heating System Isn’t Evenly Heating Your Home

Monday, January 24th, 2022

Ideally, heating a home would be as simple as setting the thermostat to your desired temperature and leaving it. But, unfortunately, that’s not always how things work out. Instead, there are often times that an HVAC system falls short, which can cause your home to be unevenly heated. So, before seeking heating repair in Annapolis, MD with our team, here is a list of reasons why your heating system isn’t evenly heating your home.

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