When spring arrives, it’s time to schedule the annual maintenance for your air conditioning system. This is the best way to prepare your AC for the hard work it will perform over the summer keeping your family cool and comfortable. Every HVAC contractor recommends maintenance for air conditioners in spring, and we have our own HVAC maintenance program to help make this job easier for our customers.
“Is this really that important?” some people ask when told about maintenance. The answer is yes. There are many reasons why HVAC maintenance is done twice annually (the AC in spring, the heater in fall) is vital.
Below we’ve listed the five biggest benefits of having maintenance. After reading it, we think you’ll agree this is a service you’ll want to keep up with each year.
ONE: Fewer repairs for the AC
Although nothing can stop all possible repair problems an air conditioner may face over its service life, maintenance can stop the majority. Studies have shown that more than 50% of air conditioning repairs are the fault of lack of maintenance. If your AC has maintenance each year, that means more than 50% of potential repair issues just vanish. You don’t need to pay for them, you don’t need to deal with their inconvenience. Gone—never existed. It’s not magic, it’s just maintenance.
TWO: Longer system life
The average central air conditioning system can last from 10 to 15 years with maintenance. Without maintenance, the system will wear down faster and will need to be replaced earlier. How much earlier depends on how much maintenance is neglected. With no maintenance, an AC may only last 5 to 8 years.
THREE: Superior energy efficiency
Your AC has an energy efficiency rating called SEER, which is the maximum efficiency the system can achieve. Maintenance protects an AC’s efficiency rating and can allow it to keep 95% of its SEER rating through most of its lifetime, only declining in the last one or two years before it needs to be replaced. Without maintenance, the AC will lose 5% of its SEER rating per year, and that will lead to much higher energy bills.
FOUR: Reliable performance
You never want the AC to shut down on you when you need it. Unfortunately, you take a big risk that this will happen during the summer if you neglect to have the unit maintained in spring. The strain is more likely to cause it to fail on one of the hottest days of the year, forcing you to scramble for repairs. Maintenance provides peace of mind.
FIVE: Keep the warranty in force
Did you know that most manufacturers’ warranties for ACs are only good if the units receive regular maintenance from professionals? It’s true—and you don’t want to lose this important consumer protection for your AC.
To arrange for spring (and fall) HVAC maintenance in Columbia, MD, reach out to us. Our maintenance plan simplifies this service so you get the best from your HVAC equipment around the year and avoid wasteful expenditures on repairs and high energy bills.
Call B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service to schedule AC maintenance. We are always there when you need us.